An individual ongoing final year project that aims to offer medical lecturers and medical students the experience of an interactive learning environment in medical education.
PutraMed-hub is an Interactive Augmented Reality Mobile Application for Medical Education with Web-based File Management System. This project is co-supervise by the company DreamEDGE Sdn.Bhd and one of lecturers from MEDIC UPM.
Objectives of this project as stated below:
1. To facilitate the medical educators to deliver dynamic content inside the medical learning environment and enhance medical students’ learning experience.
2. To develop a mobile application that contains a large content scale within a single application package with a relevant and compatible application size.
3. To assist medical educators to update the 3D models for the AR content that beneficial to the medical students to explore better anatomy structures.
develop using
VS Code, Unity, Vuforia, Bootstrap v5, Firebase
Software/ Tools
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, C#